Photos by Seneca Media

On April 6, 2023, Delby Powless, President of the Dreamcatcher Charitable Foundation, presented the Sgë hö:dih (Indian Hill) Community with a $200,000.00 grant for the Ball Field Revitalization. Seneca Nation Treasurer Matt Pagels spoke of the ball field history and growing up enjoying the field. The family of Richard Logan were also in attendance, representing the family who donated the land to the community. Lifelong Sgë hö:dih resident Linda “Soupy” Doxtator, along with SNI Councillors Presley Redeye, Marta Kettle, Geraldine Huff, and Eliot Jimerson; Seneca Promotions employees Geneva Locke, Carole Thompson, Erika Thompson and several community members, attended the presentation. The community held a small luncheon afterward. Ja:göh Sgë hö:dih Community!