Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Rd., Cattaraugus Territory, P.O. Box 182, Versailles, NY 14081
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson
Easter was celebrated at Four Corners with Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and our traditional Easter sunrise service and breakfast. We were joined with members from the Gowanda and Versailles UMC as well. And now, our next celebration is Mother’s Day which is on May 14.
We have several announcements:
- Pathways for Caregivers offers a Social Day Respite for Caregivers and their aging loved ones. It is located at Cradle Beach, 8038 Old Lakeshore Rd., Angola. The program runs from 10:45-11:45am. For more information, contact Nancy Grimes at 716-549-6307, ext. 203.
- Native American Family Camp will be held at the Asbury Retreat Center at Silver Lake, Perry, NY. The camp is open to all denominations and will be held from July 20th-23rd this summer. This is a national camp offering an opportunity to unite with others from across the country to share culture, worship and stories. There is a fee, but scholarships will be made to Native families which will cover 75% of the cost. More information will be published in the next newsletter.
- Call to action: learn how you and your faith community can respond to substance abuse disorder. A workshop will be held on Saturday, April 29 from 8:30am-2:30pm at the Hamburg United Methodist Church, Hamburg, NY. All are welcome to attend this important gathering.
- The Seneca Hymn Singers are meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7pm in the Four Corners Fellowship Hall. Please come and listen or better yet join them as we keep this tradition alive and well!

Enjoy spring and the rebirth of nature’s beauty. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day. We look forward to meeting you at our Sunday worship service at 9am. Following the service, we enjoy a coffee hour. Peace be with you.