With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, stop out and enjoy some of the activities planned to celebrate and honor ALL of OUR BEAUTIFUL WOMEN! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother’s, grandmother’s, aunties, cousins, etc that helped raise & protect us!
Upcoming events:
- Mother’s Day BINGO at the ACC! Limited spots available so call 716-945-8119 to register.
- Mother’s Day Luncheon at Catt-Library. Call 716-532-9449 for more information.
- Mother’s Day Celebration at the Church of the Good Shepherd.
- Gakwi:yo:h Farms Plant Sale – just in time to pick up something special for Mother’s Day!
- Kids Mother’s Day Craft event at the Catt-Library (Ages 3-8). Call 716-532-9449 to register.
- Kids Mother’s Day Craft event at the Catt-Library (Ages 9-13). Call 716-532-9449 to register.
If you are planning to hold a Mother’s Day event and would like to list it here, email the Newsletter office at sninews@sni.org, OR call us at 716-945-1790, ext. 3030 or ext. 3029 and we will make sure to post your event(s).