To Benefit the Indian Village at the New York State Fair
Our organization, the Six Nations Agricultural Society, is hosting its 5th Annual Golf fundraiser to benefit the New York State Fair Indian Village. Our event will be held on Sunday, July 30, 2023 at Seneca Hickory Stick Golf Club in Lewiston, NY.
The Six Nations Agricultural Society was established in 1924 with the purpose of promoting agriculture throughout the territories of the Haudenosaunee bordering New York State. In 1928 the society began operating the Indian Village at the State Fair. Through Executive Order in 1932, President Roosevelt declared the Indian Village land at the New York State fairgrounds to be reservation land and designated the Onondaga Nation as custodian since the land is in their territory. The purpose of the Village has evolved to include educating the public about Iroquois culture and traditions. We offer a restaurant with Native foods, Native vendors demonstrating and selling their hand-made Native crafts, an 18th century replica bark longhouse with a lecturer, an archery concession, and a lacrosse shoot booth. Our social dance programs performed three times daily is one of the more popular crowd drawers at the New York State Fair.
Visitors from New York State and from all over the world attend the New York State Fair where the Indian Village is a main attraction. The Village’s replica 18th century bark longhouse is our most prominent exhibit. Originally dedicated in 2000 it is now feeling the effects of time and weather and the time has come for its replacement. Funds raised during this event will help us with that goal.
We are offering you the opportunity to participate in our fundraising event by sponsoring at different levels. Your sponsorship will be able to support our Indian Village and make a difference in educating the global public who visit each year. The attached sheets list all the different sponsorship opportunities available. Please complete and return the form with your check. If you have questions, please call or text Gerald Jimerson at 716 264-0256 or email
Thank you for your assistance with our task of promoting the Iroquois culture, sharing information about the history of our people and the reconstruction of our replica 18th century bark longhouse. One of our members will contact you soon to follow up and answer any questions you may have.
Jordan Smith, President
Six Nation Agricultural Society
Official Flyer, Team Registration Form, Sponsorship Opportunities & Become a Sponsor Form posted below: