Michaelynn Lecceardone recently earned the master of pure will (PR). She qualified in the pentathlon, which consists of the 100 hurdles, long, high, shot put and the 800 run all in one. She added over 600 points to her best score this season. That is an incredible improvement. She is an extremely determined athlete that handles adversity with grace. Things did not go as planned in the high jump event for her. This no height has happened to other athletes in the past and this is when their true character usually surfaces. Many kids do not want to finish the pentathalon and will say “what is the sense, I am so far behind in points now.” Not Kay? She was definitely disappointed because she started off in the hurdles with her PR and things weren’t looking good. But not once did she show any quit. She put a smile on her face and said, well I’m just going to work for the PR’s in the individual events I have left. Who could ask for more than that and she PRed in the 800 run by over 12 seconds ending up 11th. “That is what we teach,” said SCCSD girls Varsity track coach Laurie Lafferty-John. “Life is tough, but we gotta finish. Michaelynn has been a great leader for us this season and an outstanding role model in so many ways.” Ja:göh!