By Ronald Cook, Post 1587 Commander

Iroquois Post 1587 American Legion had the honor and privilege to be part of the 2023 Marvin Joe Curry Veterans Pow Wow. Hosted by the Seneca Nation, Seneca Gaming Corporation and sponsored by many organizations, businesses and donors. Our collective events kicked off Friday July 14, 2023 as we welcomed our Visiting Color Guards:
The Eastern Band Cherokee Indians; The Steve Youngdeer American Legion Post 143; the Cherokee Nation Color Guard American Legion and other single Native representatives from Yakima Veteran Warriors (Yakima Washington) Canada and others.
We came together during a meet and greet held during the Shania Twain & Garth Brooks Tribute Music event which was held at the Seneca Gaming and Entertainment grounds, there was food trucks, great music and amazing camaraderie with our brothers and sisters in arms. And continued on during the the annual Marvin “Joe” Curry Veterans Powwow (Veterans Park 526 Broad St, Salamanca) July 15 & 16, 2023.
The slideshow of pictures posted above is a small representation of an amazing experience and sense of unity had by all.
CWO2 Marvin Joe Curry was a member of the Snipe clan, resident of Cattaraugus Territory served over 20 years honorably in the Navy. His highly decorated military service included the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He was actively involved as a member and in leadership roles in the Iroquois Post 1587 American Legion. This event honors him, and all brothers and sisters in arms; they all are especially celebrated during this weekend with honored guests representing Native military and cultural excellence.

During the two day Marvin Joe Curry Veterans Pow-Wow along with the visiting Color Guards, the Lead Female Native Veteran Wileen and the Lead Male Native Veteran Clayton Logan; along with the color guards they open and closed each day with grand entry in tribute to all veterans; as well as tributes to gold and blue star families. Iroquois Post 1587 Riders along with Salamanca Post 535 American Legion; RedRun Motorcycle Organization; Hogs & Heroes foundation; American Legion Post 118 and over 65 riders head-started a combined ride between Cattaraugus, Salamanca to the Veterans Park- we were graced by their thunder roll and humbled by their collective donations to Post 1587 summer youth program- this event was also supported by Post 1587 Auxillary.
Color Guard representation of proud veterans is noted in the prominent people selected for parading and drills. Host Post Iroquois Post 1587 American Legion (Cattaraugus Territory Irving NY); Steve Youngdeer Post 143 (from NC & the first Native American post in the USA); the Cherokee Nation Color Guard American Legion (OK, the youngest legion within the American Legion) lead out the powwow during grand entry and during many other honorable presentations. Army SSGT Wileen Becker was our 2023 female Head Veteran, Army MP Veteran represented her Cheyenne River Sioux Nation; Clayton Logan member of Iroquois Post 1587 and a 24 year retired Navy Vietnam War veteran was the male Head Veteran.
We, as our guests had such an amazing time during this phenomenal and historic time during the MJC Pow-Wow held in Veterans Park in the heart of Salamanca, on the lands of the Seneca Nation. During the 2023 MJC Veterans Pow-Wow we all had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in Native American culture by participating, learning, reflecting, enjoying great traditional foods and having a great time! This interactive powwow offered world class Native dancers, live drumming and singing.
Not only did Veterans enjoy an amazing weekend at the Pow-Wow but they also had the opportunity to meet with VA health care professionals for routine health screenings and available resources about the PACT act. – Thank you Jennifer Helie For serving our Veterans and coordinating this outreach.
Nya:wëh to all who visited the Seneca Veterans Powwow last weekend at the beautiful new Veterans Park on the Allegany Territory. Nearly 500 dancers competed this year, a Powwow record! A huge shout out to the organizers and volunteers that made the weekend successful.
The word POW-WOW means “meeting” and represents the “gathering and unity” of indigenous peoples that features traditional drumming, dancing and singing, with Native food and crafts. It’s also an important way for Native people to share the richness and diversity of traditions, and to celebrate cultural connections with guests and all communities.
Again thank you for your support,
- Ronald Cook Post 1587 Commander
- Iroquois Post 1587 Legion Members, Auxillary, Riders, Youth Leader program; West Point Cadet internship program.
Thank you to American Legion Family for being present and supportive.
Photo Gallery of Pictures from the Powwow: