Nya:wëh sgënö,
I’m thankful you are well. I hope everyone had a great time at the powwow. It was wonderful to see so many dancers and all the great events throughout the weekend.
This year’s budget process is well underway. Budget review with Directors will continue throughout the next few months. There are many things to consider each budget year. With the compact renewal up for consideration the Council must be more specific with budget requests as they balance community services and member benefits.

A quick update on the housing project sited for the Bushroad property. The Housing task force have completed the applicant criteria and the application process for those interested in participating in the homeownership program. Once this has formal approval more information will be available.
I’d like to welcome home all of the athletes who participated in the Native American Indigenous Games in Halifax, Nova Scotia this month. Nya:wëh for representing our community at this great event and congratulations to all of the winners.
The fairs have begun, enjoy your time before the end of summer.
As always, stay safe and stay strong,
Dah ne’hoh dih ae’
~Matthew B. Pagels