The Allegany Community Center will host the War for the Sword, a Bench & Deadlift Competition. Sponsored by S&C Powerplant and Tanning. Entry forms and more information coming soon!
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it will seat the Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC) that Congress authorized in the 2018 Farm Bill to advise and guide the Secretary of Agriculture on matters relating to Tribal and Indian affairs. Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, or national or regional organizations with expertise in issues relating […]
Source: USET Facebook Page USET’s Agriculture Program sponsored a Haudenosaunee agriculture tour for employees and citizens of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Participants toured Tribal farms, exchanged agri-“cultural” knowledge, and get hands-on experience. Thank you to all the hosts, including Seneca Nation Gakwi:yo:h Farms and Seneca Art & Culture Center @ Ganondagan!
Thomas Indian School (TIS) Alumni and guests are invited to attend the Annual TIS Reunion on Saturday, September 16th at the Cattaraugus AOA (Wini Kettle Senior Center) Dining Hall from 11am-2pm. Please bring a dish to pass and an auction item. Questions can be directed to Mae Shongo’s daughter Loretta Cheney via phone at 716-969-3617.