We apologize for the confusion! We WILL BE TAKING THE AOA BUSSES to the NYS Fair on Friday, September 1st, 2023. Bus departs at 7:30am. Please sign-up at AOA.
Last month, the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center (OCC) staff had 2-days of learning from Jamie Jacobs (@quillworker180). On day 1, Jamie shared interpretations and historical information related to the OCC’s new Living Longhouse. He then presented on cultural, historical, and linguistic knowledge related to Senecas. Day 2 was spent learning more about material culture with a […]
Ja:göh Guy Bowen, Onöndowa’ga:’ from the Allegany Territory, Turtle clan, who made his ESPN debut as he was selected to umpire the games of the Girls Little League World Series, held in Kirkland, WA last month. Guy started his Umpire career shortly after graduating high school and now resides in Clarksville, TN.
August 2, 2023 | Repost from Buffalo Club FB Page Hanna and Haley Sheridan are so happy The Buffalo Club provides a space where they can enjoy being together to eat, learn, workout, socialize and, most importantly, have fun. They hope to give to the Club as much as the Club has given and continues […]