Bids Accepted until September 1st
The annual Remember the Removal walk takes place on Saturday, September 30th this year. The committee has chosen to commemorate the Red House Bridge, as it is set to be demolished and replaced; work starts this fall.
The committee looks forward to working with the community to make the day one of rememberance and togetherness. If you’d like to be a volunteer, or if you have pictures or stories of the bridge and the area, please contact Brenda Kindt at (716) 945-1790, ext. 7855 or Nancy Toth, committee chair, at 716-801-0926.
The Remember the Removal Committee Requests: BIDS FOR MEAL
See flyer below for details. Bids Accepted until September 1st. Contact Gloria Heron at 716-307-6672 or email

RTR Meeting Schedule
There are a few meetings left! Please refer to schedule below.