Learn Seneca w/MEMRISE Download the Memrise app and start learning conversational Seneca today! After you download the app, use the QR CODE below to access the “Summertime Activities” lessons. Join Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h (We learn together), A Seneca Language Initiative, for their upcoming event: HONORING OUR PRECIOUS SENECA LANGUAGE Join us for dinner, recognition awards, and […]
The Cattaraugus Training & Employment Resource Center and Summer Y.E.S. program recipients would like to say nya:wëh to everyone who donated items to their Basket Raffle Fundraiser and those who purchased tickets! Your support for the Summer Y.E.S. program participants’ end of Summer trip is greatly appreciated! Raffle Winners are as follows: Adirondack Chair Set: […]
Submitted by Irma Cortes We apologize for the confusion! We WILL BE TAKING THE AOA BUSSES to the NYS Fair on Friday, September 1st, 2023. Bus departs at 7:30am. Please sign-up at AOA.