Here, Now, and Always – Haudenosaunee Beadwork
Join the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum at the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center for the opening of Here, Now, and Always – Haudenosaunee Beadwork exhibit on Saturday, September 23rd from 10am-4pm. It will showcase past and present beadwork from their collections. They will also have special guest presenters Ken Williams, Jr. and Grant Jonathan on site. This event is free and open to the public. Stop by and enjoy some traditional foods as well.
Grant Jonathan will be there selling beads and other materials. Below is a sneak peak of some of the beadwork that will be for sale. Haudenosaunee beadworkers from across Turtle Island are coming to the museum to sell their pieces.
Artists that will be set up are:
- Lexi Sickles, (Oneida)
- Iakorihwato:ken Hemlock, (Mohawk)
- Courtney Regis, (Seneca)
- Grace Crowe, (Seneca)
- Robin Seneca, (Seneca)
- Katwite:ne & Kwaharani Jacobs, (Mohawk)
- Alayna Jimerson, (Seneca)
- Kahionwinehshon Phillips, (Mohawk)
- Kehala Smith, (Tuscarora)
- Barbara Jonathan, (Seneca)
- Melissa Smith, (Seneca)

Photos 1, 2, and 3 – Beadwork by Katwite:ne & Kwaharani Jacobs
Photo 4 – Beadwork by Kehala Smith
Photo 5 – Beadwork by Kahionwinehshon Phillips
Photo 6 – Beadwork by Cortney Regis

Grant Jonathan will be selling beads and other materials and is scheduled to present at 1pm.