September 26, 2023 | Bandits Youth Lacrosse
Jr. Bandits Elite is a competitive tournament team program that will compete in 3 USBOXLA tournaments this winter. Teams will be coached at practices and tournaments by former Bandits player Mike McNamara, and former Iroquois Nationals player Jeff White. A current to be determined Bandits player will also be at each team practice and tryout date.
9/10 Grade and 11/12 Grade Tryouts:
Tuesday, November 7 and Tuesday, November 14
Location: Gil Lay Memorial Sports Arena in Irving, NY
Tryout and Practice Times:
9/10 Grade – 7-8:30pm | 11/12 Grade – 8:30-10pm
Tryout Cost: $29
More information available at:
If you have any other questions, please reach out to Dan Ristine via email at