NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONPROJECT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 5815.59 Bridge and Culvert Replacement/Rehabilitation ProjectBIN’s 6012220, 6600210CIN’s 510207, 510159on the Seneca Nation of Indians Allegany and Cattaraugus Territories in the Towns of Perrysburg, Coldspring, Salamanca and South Valley in Cattaraugus County. The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) will host a Public Information Meeting to […]
Reserve your spot today! Fall Prevention classes are intended for participants ages 60 and over. You will learn how to stretch, strengthen, balance, and fall to prevent further injuries. There will also be fall prevention tips on how to make your home safe. Attendance at all six classes is recommended. 716-945-8414 (Allegany AOA) or 716-532-5777 […]
Public Notice for All Enrolled Senecas Regarding EXCLUSION LAW FINAL 30-day comment period is open until the close of business on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 Please take notice that the Seneca Nation is seeking public comments and feedback on a proposed Exclusion Law. This round is the FINAL comment period. Comments can be submitted to […]