The cooler fall days and nights are upon us. I hope that you are enjoying the fall foliage and your favorite fall activities. A couple of family favorites are coming up, The H.E.R.O. Trunk-or-Treat at the ACC on October 30th from 5pm-8pm & the CCC Trunk-or-Treat & Costume Contest on October 26th from 5pm-9pm. Another upcoming family event is the Cole All-Star Circus starting at 6:30pm at the ACC on October 19th & at the CCC on October 20th.
Employee of the Month
Seneca Nation Executives, Councillors, and employees gathered on both territories to recognize and congratulate Kim McAuley and Kevin Stafford, Sr. on being selected as the October “Employees of the Month.” Kim is a tutor with the Allegany Education Department and Kevin is the lead carpenter with the Cattaraugus DPW. Kim and Kevin both received a personal parking spot, a gift card, and a day off with pay. Our collective hats off to you both for your exemplary service.
Public Safety
The safety of the public and employees inside our buildings is paramount. Executives, Councillors, & Directors welcomed four members of Louisiana State University’s Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education during the week of September 18th. The LSU team performed many site visits and identified positive actions taken by the Nation and areas that are currently under consideration. The LSU team is expected to return in January 2024 to train Nation employees and community members.
Exclusion Notice
Let this serve as Notice that as of Friday, October 6, 2023, that John Oyler has been excluded from the Nation’s territories.
Executive Order: Excluding John Oyler from Seneca Nation Territories
(click on hyperlink above to view the official Executive Order)
More upcoming events
Seneca Holdings will hold a Small Business networking event at the ACC on October 25th from 12:30pm-2:30pm. An October Festival will take place at the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center on October 29th from 1pm-4pm. The Basil Williams All-Native Basketball Tournament and Smoke Dance Competition is scheduled for November 4th. Last but not least, the annual ACC Turkey Shoot will take place November 24th-26th.
As winter approaches, make sure your homes are ready for the snow and frigid temps on the way. If you need assistance, please reach out. Take the time to check in on our elders this fall season. Enjoy a walk, hike, or ride and take in the fall foliage before winter arrives.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.