for Sunset Beach Marine Park
Project Location:
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation
Sunset Beach State Marine Park
12952 Allegany Road
Irving, NY 14081
Facility Location:
Town of Hanover, Chautauqua County, NY
Facility Principal Reference Point:
NYTM-E: 160.567 NYTM-N: 4721.107 Latitude: 42°34’03.8″ Longitude: 79°08’06.8″
Project Location:
Cattaraugus Creek (Creek) shoreline near the outlet to Lake Erie, southern side of the Creek, adjacent to the Cattaraugus Territory of the Seneca Nation.
Authorized Activity:
Permanent disturbance of approximately 517 linear feet of Cattaraugus Creek [Class B(T)] within the coastal erosion hazard area, for the purpose of shoreline stabilization. Shoreline stabilization measures will include the removal of existing shoreline materials (approximately 6-to 8 feet deep, and then 6 feet back from the Creek), then the installation of log cribs, soil-filled geotextile grid, stone revetment, and revegetation of the shoreline. The project also involves the removal of a sidewalk within the limits of the northern most point of the Sunset Beach Marine Park.
Project Timeline: Work is expected to begin October 16, 2023, and proceed through December. Project completion is expected in the Spring of 2024.