NOVEMBER 7, 2023
Seneca Allegany Administration Building, Allegany Territory and
William Seneca Building (Council Chambers), Cattaraugus Territory
- The September 18, 1993 resolution of Council, Article Six (6) and Nine (9) of the Nation Judiciary Law shall govern the conduct of the Judicial Election.
- To amend Section 6.5 (A) and (8) of the Judiciary Law as follows: “No candidate shall be considered for more than one position on the ballot”.
- Polling sites shall be located at the Seneca Allegany Administration Building (SAAB) on the Allegany Territory and at the William Seneca Building (Council Chambers) on the Cattaraugus Territory.
- Every enrolled member of the Seneca Nation of Indians of the age of twenty-one (21) and upwards who shall not have been convicted of a felony (as defined in U.S.C. Title 18, Part J, Chapter 53, Section 1153-0ffenses committed within Indian Country) also known as “Federal Major Crimes Act” as defined in Section 1.2 (F) of the Seneca Nation of Indians Judiciary Law, shall be competent to vote at all elections and meetings of the Electors of the Nation with the exception of CN: R-l0-13-12-04. Voters may be requested to show photo identifications which will include name, address, physical description, date of birth and signature. Photo identification MUST be presented upon the request of:
• Any Roll Clerk
• Any Poll Watcher challenging the identity of a voter, or;
• Any member of the Board of Electors/Inspectors - There shall be a public drawing to determine the placement of the candidates on the ballot. The drawing will be held on October 24, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. at the Seneca Administration Building, Allegany Territory.
- Eligible voters who are blind or handicapped will be allowed to have a designated relative or friend, who is not a candidate and is an ENROLLED member age 21 and over, accompany them into the voting booth. The name of the designated person will be recorded by the Roll clerk.
- There will be a designated handicapped drop off/pick up area at the polling site and a Marshal shall assist any handicap individual entering and exiting the polling site
- The doors will be open at 9:00 a.m. and close promptly at 7:00 p.m. Those waiting in line within the building will be allowed to vote. However, any delays caused by mechanical failure or otherwise delaying the start of voting will have time adjusted to ensure the full hours allotted for voting.
- There will be one (I) volunteer (unpaid by SN) poll watcher at each candidate’s option, who will be required to remain in the designated location within the polling area during the entire polling time; the names are to be submitted to the Allegany Clerk’s Office by 4:30p.m. on October 30, 2023.
- No loitering, profanity, or consumption or possession of mind-altering substances is permitted in the building or parking lot where the polling place is located.
- Any person who is obviously under the influence of drugs, alcohol or mind-altering substances will NOT be allowed to enter the polling area.
- The Board of Electors definition of immediate family shall be: Husband/Wife,Father/Mother, Grandparent, Sister/Brother or Son/Daughter
- The telephone, fax machines, or email will be used only for confirmation of voters and emergencies. A Board of Elector or designated telephone employee shall make authorized calls only. To eliminate the possibility of double voting, the Board of Electors shall cross check the registered voters on each territory, every hour.
- Pre-Election challenges must be in writing and notarized and given to the Board of Electors/Clerk’s Office by 4:30 p.m. on October 25, 2023. Pre-Election challenges will be addressed by the Board of Electors on October l7, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
- Post-Election challenges must be in writing and notarized and given to the Board of Electors/Clerk’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on November 8, 2023. Post-Election challenges will be addressed by the Board of inspectors on November 9, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
- No telecommunication or electronic devices will be allowed in the polling area.
- Ballots from the machines and reports proceedings of the Election Day shall be deposited in accordance with the Judiciary Law by the Chairperson and Co-Chairperson of the Board of Electors until Canvass Day.
- No solicitation of votes, demonstrations and/or ineligible voters shall be in or on premises within a radius of 1,000 feet of any entrance or each polling place location, with the exception of essential employees who are required to work at the Seneca Allegany Administration Building. Allegany Territory and William Seneca Building, Cattaraugus Territory.
- The two (2) elected Chief Marshals and the three elected Deputy Marshals, or alternate (each territory) shall work on Election Day to assist the Board of Electors.
- Certification of results of the Judicial Election and swearing in of elected Judges shall be held on November 14, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the Seneca Administration Building (Council Chambers) on the Allegany Territory.
- All Election Day workers are required to work a full day on November 7, 2023. If you cannot work, an alternate will be scheduled on your behalf.
Motion to accept 2023 Rules Governing Seneca Nation Judicial Election by Jesse Brown seconded by Rosemary Patterson. All in Favor – Motion Carried
The duly appointed Board of Electors/Inspectors, at a duly noticed meeting convened on October 16, 2023, recommends the approval of the Rules and Procedures for the Seneca Nation Judicial Election to be held on November 7, 2023.