Seneca Sachems Peewee Football
Sponsored by the Sachem Moms
Our Peewee Sachems powered through the semi-finals, dominating over Salamanca 26-6. This weeks player of the game showed heart the entire time! He put his foot on the gas and didn’t let up. Let’s hear it for Thomas “T2” Scanlan!!
Our PeeWee Sachems showed up to playoffs, getting the W over the Ellicottville Eagles. The player of the game was Aidrick Pagan bringing in 2 touchdowns! Great job!
The peewees finished out their last regular season game with a win!! Our boys ended with a 6-1 record. King Maisonet showed his skills and heart on the gridiron – making him week 7 Player of The Game! Good job, Boys!
The Sachems peewees won 7-6 vs. Ellicottville Eagles in week 6. Our boys wanted it a little more than them! Great game as a team! The Peewee Player of the Game went to Logan Steeprock for securing their win with an interception at the very end!
Our peewees came up with the win over fall fest weekend, 16-0 vs. Pioneer Panthers. Guess who had an interception that day? Congrats to Charles Scanlan III, week 5 player of the game!