Nya:wëh sgë:nö gagwë:goh,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. I’m thankful we are having nice weather and I look forward to the holiday season.
I’d like to congratulate the Salamanca Warrior football team for winning the Section VI Class C division this season. Best wishes as they move on to the State Final Four.
Currently the Council and Executives are working on some project considerations for this next year. The Sachems organization is seeking assistance with renovations to their field and field house. This is greatly needed.
An RFP for financial services and architectural services is being developed for 5 & 20 projects which include a gas station, and class II gaming facility. Another project for consideration is a bus garage at the SCMC location.
The retention and attraction policy discussed during the budget process is being developed and will be implemented once approved through Council. This consideration is to recognize that employees are the center of our organization’s success an ultimately leading to high performance and attraction to others looking for meaningful employment.
Executives and Council are pleased to announce a distribution to the members of $500 per adult and $250 per child directly from Import Export and excess land revenue on December 1, 2023.
As always, stay strong, stay safe,
Dah ne’hoh dih ae,
~Matthew B. Pagels