Submitted by Maurice John, Jr., Seneca Media/CRNY Artist

In 2022, Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center/Seneca-Iroquois National Museum constructed and began the “Living Longhouse” Project. This grassroots community effort has become a hub of activity hosting events for our people and providing a unique attraction for visitors.
Documenting the process, the video “Our Longhouse” was created and has been showing as part of an exhibit inside the museum since its opening.

The video was produced by the Seneca Nation of Indians in association with the Seneca Media & Communications Center, the museum, and Creatives Rebuild New York. It has since been selected to renowned film festivals including Red Nation, the largest Native Indigenous Film Festival in the world.
As part of the launch of the new museum YouTube channel, “Our Longhouse” can be viewed by scanning the QR code. Please subscribe and stay connected to the “Living Longhouse” Project.