Feature President

A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.

Season’s Greetings,

As of this writing, a fresh coat of snow blanketed the Allegany Territory. The scene reminds me of winter activities like sledding, snow snake, and skating. Unfortunately, with warmer temperatures in the forecast, it does not look like there will be a white Christmas. I hope that the students had a successful marking period and that you always aim higher. I hope that the winter break will be a time to refresh and get ready for the next marking period.

Elder’s Grinchmas Bash

The holidays are a time to get together with friends and loved ones. On December 11th, the Grinch welcomed elders to Whoville at the Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino event center. Live holiday music helped to set the festive tone as everyone enjoyed a delicious holiday meal and good company. Afterwards, many generously donated door prizes were awarded.

Cattaraugus Health Center

Excitement continues to build at the new Cattaraugus Health Center. The steel structure is complete, and the roof is nearing completion. Inclement weather has stalled some exterior work but will resume as the weather permits. Interior work such as plumbing, electrical, framing, and HVAC is progressing. To the many trades’ men and women, thank you.

Traffic Safety Improvements

US Senator’s Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand announced a $2 million grant to help the Seneca Nation address traffic safety concerns. The Seneca Nation Department of Transportation plans address safety concerns at the Broad Street and R.C. Hoag Drive intersection in Salamanca. President Armstrong thanked the Senator’s “for supporting the Seneca Nation’s continued efforts to prioritize and ensure the safety of motorist and pedestrians on our territory. Implementing these needed safety measures will not only protect our people and those visiting our Allegany Territory, but it can also lead to increased economic and business activity in the area.”

Bush Road Mortgage Program

The Seneca Nation Council and Executives are pleased to announce the availability and launch of the Bush Road 2023 Housing Development Program. The homes range in size from 3 to 5 bedrooms with a varying price range of $360,000 to $423,000. At the December 9th regular Council session, a Down Payment Assistance Grant was approved. For more information, contact the Seneca Nation Mortgage Program at (716)945-8130 or (716)532-4900 or reach out via email at: snimortgage@sni.org. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2024. If more applications than homes are submitted, a lottery will be held later.

During the busy holiday season please take the time to check on your neighbors and loved ones. I hope everyone has a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!!


Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.