Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Rd., Cattaraugus Territory
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson

2023 holiday festivities are now memories! While the holidays may be filled with joy they are also filled with memories from days gone by. Who remembers the Christmas pageants at the TIS gym? Carl Lay was Santa Claus and kids put on plays. There were also holiday events at other churches on both territories. In those days we used to get popcorn, oranges and candy for treats. And who remembers having oyster stew for New Year’s Eve? Times have changed!
As we begin 2024 it’s a good time to think about our spiritual and physical health and wellbeing. How many of us say, “I’m going to lose weight this year”? How many of us say, “I’m going to take care of my spiritual health”? Both are important and it takes one step to make both/either happen.
In 2024 why not join the Seneca Hymn Singers? They are on their winter break until March, but if you like to sing hymns in Seneca or want to learn, please join them. This is an interdenominational group that continues a great tradition. Rehearsals are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month beginning at 7 p.m. in our fellowship hall. The evening promises great fellowship and fun!
Continue to pray for healing in our communities. Pray for those battling addictions. Pray for those who are mourning. Pray for those who are struggling with illness. But also, give thanks for all the blessings that we have in our lives.
On Sunday mornings you are invited to join us for worship service beginning at 9 a.m. After the service we have coffee time and refreshments. We look forward to seeing you and your family. Peace.