December 23, 2023 | Reposted from Iroquois Post 1587 American Legion FB
On December 18, 2023 Iroquois Post 1587 American Legion Chaplain Marvin Abrams, Post Commander Ronald Cook Jr, and Legionnaire DJ Huff paid a visit to Post member and Vietnam War Veteran SSGT Dennis Logan at the Gowanda Nursing Home. As we chatted about military experiences we paid tribute to his service, and he received an Eagle Feather Honoring during our visit. He expressed his appreciation for the visit and honoring. Thank you for your Service Dennis and welcome home. (Pictured below)

During 12/19-12/23 Iroquois Post 1587 delivered close to 130 hams to Veterans and their families within the SNI communities of Cattaraugus, surrounding Buffalo areas, Allegany, Olean, Kill Buck, Salamanca, Steamburg and North Tonawanda. In the Spirit of Christmas and during Be the One Campaign we paid a short visit to our Veterans, wishing them happy holidays and letting them know that as legionaries we are always available and there for them in time of need, to chat or visit.
We would like to thank Post CDR Ronald Cook Jr., DJ Huff, and Charles Jamieson for delivering these hams over the course of a few days before Christmas and for the days ahead before the New Year. Special thank you to for your generosity as your donation made this outreach a tremendous success.
To all Veterans near and far, thank you for your service. To our families, community; all @followers, and all our brothers and sisters in Arms, we hope you had a wonderful Holiday season. Blessings to all. Thank you for your service and continued support.