Community News

News from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

March 2024 | Submitted by Kathy Bloom

How about some fresh-popped popcorn and an inspirational movie? Mark your calendars now for 6pm on Saturday, March 23! Come join us for the special feature Amish Grace in the Fellowship Hall at Pleasant Valley! Kimberly Williams-Paisley stars in this original film based on the true story when tragedy struck the lives of five Amish schoolgirls in Pennsylvania. One of the victims’ mothers faces a profound test of faith and must decide whether or not to remain in the Amish community. Will the mother be able to forgive? How does she pull through this horrific event? Come on out, get your popcorn, and pull up a chair to find out what really happened!

As we approach the Easter season, some may wonder about Good Friday. If Jesus died a brutal death on the cross for the sins of the world, why is it called a ‘good’ day? First, God’s love for us is VERY GOOD, so good we cannot fully comprehend it. He sent His only son Jesus to die for us VERY BAD people (Romans 3:23-For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God). Second, it did not end there. Jesus conquered death by rising again as He said He would! John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world (you) that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus) that whoever (you) believes on Him (trusts Jesus as Savior) shall not perish (eternal separation from God in conscious suffering) but have everlasting life (in Heaven). Simply put, repent (ask for forgiveness and turn from wrongdoing), believe Jesus died and rose again, and commit your life to Him.

Here is a special invitation for you to come celebrate with us Easter (Resurrection) Sunday on March 31st! A delicious breakfast will be served at 9am followed by the worship service at 11am when the Easter choir will sing and a powerful message will be presented!

You are invited to worship with us every Sunday morning starting with Bible classes for adults and teens at 10am complete with coffee and snacks, followed by the worship service at 11am. Junior Church for ages 4-9 is available each Sunday as well. Bring the whole family!

Can’t join us for Sunday morning worship service in person? Catch us live on Facebook each Sunday morning at 11am under Glenn Bloom’s profile.

Pleasant Valley Baptist Church: 12557 Route 438, Irving, NY

Missionary Pastor Glenn Bloom: (716) 471-6784