
From The Desk of The Treasurer

Nya:wëh Sgë:nö,

It is officially spring and we finally get some snow. Western NY weather is always very unpredictable. We can hope the weather improves for the upcoming eclipse?

A total solar eclipse will occur on April 8th and the pathway of totality is directly across our Territories. It is expected hundreds if not thousands of visitors will be visiting our region for the best view of the eclipse. Many school districts will close for the day in anticipation of the increased traffic on the roadways.

Solar glasses are available at various places on Territory, including the Clerk’s office once you register for the year. Currently events are scheduled at the following locations, Cattaraugus Community Center from 1-4pm, Cattaraugus Library from 2-4pm, Allegany Library from 1-6pm, and Highbanks Campground from 1-4pm. Any location in the region with a direct view of the sun will be the best place to be. Remember, do not look directly at the eclipse without the protection of the glasses. Potential eye damage could occur without it.

Spring break for school age children is scheduled for April 1-5, 2024 in most local school districts. The Annual Community Fair is scheduled in Cattaraugus with the participation of many Nation Departments. Lunch is available to community members each day with one drive through meal hosted by the Support Services Department. See the weekly schedule HERE. There are many exciting activities scheduled for the week for children and families, including a daily book fair, a spring carnival, bike run, social and cake walk and Olympic fun days to name a few. See the schedule for location and times of events.

The fiscal department is gearing up for the annual budget process. Directors will begin reviewing their current budgets and create goals for next year. The whole process takes approximately six months of review and adjustments in preparation for approval by the Council. More information will be shared as it develops.

Stay safe, stay strong, Dah neh hoh dih ae’.

Matthew B. Pagels