March 2024 | Submitted by Kathy Bloom

“Whoz Meech” (aka Demetrius Garrett), the rapper from Buffalo, gave an uplifting, hopeful message to all who attended the “Hope Challenge” youth event at the CCC Saturday, March 2nd! He shared some encouraging words for those who may be struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. He made no bones about the fact that life in Jesus Christ brings, hope, purpose, and satisfaction that cannot be found in a pill, a bottle, a relationship, or anything else. For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:9

The event began with registration and the CCC opened up to ages 12-18 to enjoy swimming, basketball, ice skating, cornball, and dodge ball. Pastor Glenn later conducted a push-up contest and foul shot contest. Winners were Chey (Salamanca) and Winter for most push-ups and Jaelyn and JJ and Cameron (tie-Lockport) for most foul shots. Congrats to all! Prizes were awarded to all the winners.
Many Nya:wëh’s for the delicious pizzas donated by Wilmart (Wolf’s Run), Tim & Bonnie’s, and Joyce Gates! Thanks to all who donated bottled water and other snacks. Big shout out to all the adult volunteers who helped lead games and the concession stand! We are grateful for all the staff at the CCC for their amazing cooperation as well as parents and caregivers of these young people bringing them in. “Hope Challenge” will hold another youth event like this possibly in the fall.
If you are reading this before Easter Sunday, we want to invite you to come celebrate with us Easter (Resurrection) Sunday on March 31st! A delicious breakfast will be served at 9am followed by the worship service at 11am when an Easter ensemble will sing and a loving message from God’s Word will be presented!
Attention ladies!! Mark your calendars and join us for the Spring Ladies’ Luncheon on Saturday, April 13th at 12pm, NOON. Rachael Blueye will be our guest speaker! She is from the Hopi tribe but has lived among the Senecas for over 50 years. She was a minister’s wife for over 40 years. You will be encouraged as she shares from her heart. Come enjoy a delicious meal cooked and served by the men from PVBC! You may RSVP by calling/texting 585-356-7106.
You are invited to worship with us every Sunday morning starting with Bible classes for adults and teens at 10am complete with coffee and snacks, followed by the worship service at 11am. Junior Church for ages 4-9 is available each Sunday as well. Bring the whole family!
Can’t join us for Sunday morning worship service in person? Catch us live on Facebook each Sunday morning at 11am under Glenn Bloom’s profile.
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, 12557 Route 438, Irving, NY
Missionary Pastor Glenn Bloom, (716) 471-6784