EXECUTIVE ORDERContinuance of Exclusion for Cedric Cobb, Bradley Gabel and Ariel Eyoto WHEREAS, the Seneca Nation has the inherent right to exclude individuals from the territory of the Seneca Nation who cause harm or pose a threat to the health and safety of the Seneca Nation and Nation members; and WHEREAS, the Seneca Nation Council […]
SUNDAY: Narcotics Anonymous N/A10:30am – Saint Paul’s Church, 49 Indian Church Road, Buffalo, NY 142107:00pm – Amity Club, 340 Military Road, Buffalo, NY 14207 Alcoholics Anonymous A/A4:00pm – Language of the Heart – WOMENS, 2820 E. Church Street, Eden, NY 140577:00pm – The Well That Never Runs Dry, 10489 Main Street, North Collins, NY 14111 […]
A letter to the members of the Seneca Nation from the SENECA MOTHERS AGAINST DRUGS (SMAD): By Lucille White The Seneca Mothers against Drugs (SMAD) is a grassroots community group operating on both Territories. Our group was brought together due to our shared grief, our anger and frustration over the drug epidemic that is raging […]