Attn: Potential Presenters and Vendors
By Damian Webster (Director Honöta:önih Hënödeyësdahgwa’)
Nya:wëh sgë:nö’,
If you are interested in being a presenter for the upcoming Hodinöhšö:ni:h Language Conference, here are some additional details and information. Send all questions and abstracts to Damian Webster at

This is a hands-on, interactive language conference. Please submit an abstract or summary of the topic(s) you will be demonstrating to your break-out group, and how they can use your activity with their students, family, or language cohorts. Break-out session times are 40 minutes and nearly all presenters will have two break-out sessions back to back.
Day 1 is about children’s language instruction and can include language nests on up through twelfth grade of high school. This can include charter schools, private schools, or even home school language efforts.
Day 2 is adult language education and can include full time language programs, community classes, online classes, and college/university courses.
There are three rooms with audio/video connections via HDMI cords. Please let us know ahead of time if you need an adapter and what kind of device you plan on using.
These venues include the following:
- Main Conference Room (40 people capacity)
- Classroom 1 (20-25 people capacity)
- Classroom 2 (20-25 people capacity)
- If you prefer an open classroom with no tables, one of the classrooms can be made to accommodate your lesson. There will still be a TV with audio for your media.
The Sky Woman room is also available (10 -15 people capacity) if your break-out session requires no technology (TPR lesson, other verbal or visual activities). There are a few outdoor options as well if you’re willing to present rain or shine (or humidity).
- Outdoor covered patio (30-40 people capacity) No AV available
- The Longhouse (20 people capacity) No AV available
- Outdoor Medicine Garden, mock 3 Sisters Garden (20 people capacity) No AV available Please indicate which venue would serve your presentation best, and indicate your second choice in the event those venues fill up.
Please indicate which day you would like to present, Day 1, Day 2, or if you’re feeling bold, both days. Please indicate your first choice in the event we can’t accommodate both days.
We hope to record all sessions. Please let us know if we have your permission to film your break-out sessions.
Break-out session spots are starting to fill up. Submit your summary as early as possible to secure your spot. We look forward to hearing from a variety of amazing educators in our Hodinöhšö:ni:h languages.
There will be six vendor spots available for the two days of the conference. Each vendor will be given a six foot table to set up. Registration for vendors is $50.00 USO. Please email Devan Jonathan at Conference dates are Monday and Tuesday, June 10-11, 9am to 4pm.