Community News

Iroquois Genealogy Society 2024 Doings

Submitted by Leatha Jimerson

We have another exciting year of learning and researching our families and their history! We are in our 9th year!

Our first meeting was held on March 14 at the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum on the Allegany Territory. Alan Gutchess, Director of the Fort Pitt Museum in Pittsburgh, PA, did a presentation on the Yellow Creek Massacre and Logan’s War which occurred outside of Pittsburgh. John Logan was a Cayuga Indian Leader. There were 25 people in attendance and was quite informative.

This coming year at the IGS meetings, you will learn about the following families: John White Sr., Wilbur Parker and Theresa Halftown. We are working on interviewing elders via a panel on the Allegany and Cattaraugus Territories and learn about ways to interview people. If you know of an Elder who would be willing to participate in the panel, please contact myself (716-982-4706 or or Marilyn Anderson (

We always need people who would present their family trees. Family trees are never complete so anything you have to present would be welcome. Without fail, you will find someone at our meeting that you are related to. They may have the missing piece to your family puzzle!

We always like to see new faces, young and old at our meetings. It’s important to learn about your ancestors, to know your clan, or where an ancestor went to school etc. To learn more about your ancestral background is so essential in understanding who you are. For example, do you know your Grandmother’s maiden name? We always have Elders at our meetings and there are interesting stories to hear from them. So, please come to a meeting! We would love to see you plus we always have good eats! Last but not least, bring any questions you may have about your family. Someone may have an answer at our meeting or we have researchers who could point you in a particular direction.

Our next meeting: May 9, 2024 at 6pm at the Allegany Community Center, Allegany Territory, 3677 Administrative Dr. Salamanca, NY. Topic: How to Create a Family Tree plus resource list. Presenter: Leatha Jimerson. Please bring a dish to pass. Plates/Utensils provided and water.

Our monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, alternating between Allegany and Cattaraugus Territories. Watch for our meeting details on Facebook or the SNI Newsletter. We always start out the meeting with a pot luck dinner. We have great conversations about family and we always make new friends and family!

Leatha Jimerson, IGS President; Marilyn Anderson, Vice-President; Jenny Logan, Secretary; Teresa Van Aernam, Treasurer