Executive Order: Excluding John Oyler from Seneca Nation Territories
WHEREAS, The Seneca Nation has the inherent right to exclude individuals from the Territories of the Seneca Nation who cause harm or pose a threat to the health and safety of the Seneca Nation and its community members; and
WHEREAS, the Seneca Nation Council has adopted laws prohibiting the sale, use and manufacture of illegal narcotics within the territory of the Seneca Nation; and

WHEREAS, the President of the Seneca Nation has the authority, pursuant to the Constitution of the Seneca Nation, to enforce the laws of the Seneca Nation; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that John Oyler, a non-member of the Seneca Nation, is involved in the sale, manufacture and/or distribution of illegal narcotics and poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of the Nation and its community members;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that John Oyler is hereby excluded from all Seneca Nation Territories, effective immediately, for a period of one year; and be it
FURTHER ORDERED, that any member of the Seneca Nation who is determined to have knowingly harbored or assisted John Oyler to remain on or return to the Seneca Nation Territory in violation of this Order may be charged in the Seneca Nation Peacemaker’s Court with aiding and abetting in violation of this Order, with potential penalties including up to withholding of Nation annuity payments and direct health and welfare benefit payments (elders, disability, etc.); and
FURTHER ORDERED, that any person holding an interest in the lease of Seneca Nation lands who is determined to have knowingly harbored or assisted John Oyler to remain on or return to Seneca Nation Territory in violation of this Order may be charged with a breach of their lease, with potential penalties including up to lease termination; and
FURTHER ORDERED, that upon John Oyler’s entry into or presence on the Seneca Nation Territories, the Seneca Nation Marshal’s Office, in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, is authorized and directed to remove him from the territories and to continue to remove him should he return; and be it
FURTHER ORDERED, that John Oyler’s eligibility to enter the Nation Territories will be reassessed by the Nation prior to the expiration of this one-year exclusion and banishment from the territories.
Dated: October 6, 2023
Council Resolution: Approving Civil And Administrative Action Concerning Ronald L. Tallchief
WHEREAS, the Seneca Nation has the responsibility and authority to provide for the general welfare and protection of all Senecas; and
WHEREAS, the safety of all Senecas especially those who are unable to protect themselves, is of paramount concern to the Nation’s Council; and

WHEREAS, the Seneca Nation must exercise its civil jurisdiction and take action against individuals that have a history of bringing harm to our communities in the form of drugs, violence, or sexual abuse; and
WHEREAS, Ronald L. Tallchief has a lengthy history of criminal and/or antisocial behavior and presents an ongoing danger to our children and our community; and
WHEREAS, Tallchief has been convicted of crimes of a sexual nature against minors less than 14 years old; and
WHEREAS, Tallchief has been the subject of numerous Marshal’s reports and is known in the community as a drug user and/or dealer; and
WHEREAS, in 2016, a man was shot and killed while at Tallchiefs residence; and
WHEREAS, over the years Tallchief has been present at several drug overdoses, at least one of which resulted in the death of a young Seneca mother who died on December 22, 2022, while staying with Tallchief; and
WHEREAS, Tallchief has shown through his course of conduct to be a danger to our children, to be indifferent to Seneca life, and to be a threat to the Nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Effective immediately, Ronald L. Tallchief is prohibited from entering any Nation building or business. The sole exceptions to this provision are for Ronald L. Tallchief (1) to appear before the Nation’s courts to defend any actions pursued against him as a result of his conduct, or (2) to attend to a scheduled appointment for federally funded services at the Nation’s health centers; but in either instance Ronald L. Tallchief must first give advance notice to the Nation’s Marshals and the President at least 24 hours in advance of such appearance or appointment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Effective immediately all annuity payments, disability benefits, any direct health and welfare payments, and any other payments from the Nation’s general fund (“Direct Benefits”) to Ronald L. Tallchief are hereby forfeited for three years and shall not be resumed until such time as Tallchief comes before Council, in a session of Council, to request the resumption of payment of such Direct Benefits and such request is granted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Effective immediately, Ronald L.Tallchief shall not have the privilege of, and is prohibited from, conducting any commercial activity within Nation territory and all Nation licensed businesses are prohibited from doing business with Ronald L. Tallchief.