Community News

News from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

12557 Route 438, Irving, NY

Submitted by Kathy Bloom

Is Genesis History? was the title of the movie shown at our last movie night of the season. What an experience as various scientists, biologists, and archeologists ‘took us’ as viewers to places all over the world, such as the Grand Canyon, showing that the events recorded in the book of Genesis are in fact true! You can find this fascinating documentary on YouTube, Amazon, Tubi, or the website It is hosted by Dr. Del Tackett who will also be the guest speaker at the Fellowship of Indian Churches retreat! More on that in the next issue!

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,” (Romans 1:20)

If you don’t have a place of worship, you are invited to join us every Sunday morning starting with Bible classes for adults and teens at 10:00 AM complete with coffee and snacks, followed by the worship service at 11:00 AM. Junior Church for ages 4-9 is available each Sunday as well. Bring the whole family!

Can’t make it for Sunday service in person? Catch us live on Facebook each Sunday morning starting with Sunday School at 10:00 AM and the church service at 11:00 AM under Glenn Bloom’s profile.

Missionary Pastor Glenn Bloom: (716) 471-6784