Ja:göh Zed! May 12, 2024 | By Katherine Fitzgerlad | buffalonews.com Ja:göh Zed Williams, Onöndowa’ga, Hota:yö:nih, Tganegahgës, a Silver Creek High School Graduate and current member of the NLL Colorado Mammoth was invited by the Buffalo Bills to their rookie minicamp 2024. Buffalo News Article: “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, actually,” […]
ASL day was Monday April 15th. Our library clerk Misty and her husband Colby visited ECLC and read a story using ASL. The children and teachers really enjoyed the visit. They will be returning in May for another story time.
Regarding AOA Trips Please call or mail in AOA Trip suggestions and comments at least one month in advance. Include the date & time of the event trip you are suggesting. If you have questions, please contact the AOA office.