Route 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson
June is coming to an end and the memories of sweet, juicy strawberries picked fresh in the field will carry us through until next year. June also was filled with celebrations: Father’s Day, Kindergarten and high school graduations. Father’s Day celebrates the lives of fathers who are here with us and those who have passed on. It is also a time for us to remember that we have a heavenly Father who loves all of us. Congratulations and prayers to the graduates and their families for continued success.

Be careful driving on our roads as our children are enjoying their summer break. There will be many days of swimming, summer recreation programs and family gatherings. Some people acknowledge the 4th of July by setting off fireworks. Always exercise caution and safety during these activities.
Remember that the Seneca Hymn Singers’ rehearsal is on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. They are recruiting new members and invite all who are interested in joining this interdenominational group to join them. Not only will you learn songs in Seneca, but you will enjoy the fellowship that the singers experience. You do not have to be Seneca to become part of the group.
In August we will be having our annual summer picnic with the Versailles and Gowanda Methodist churches. Watch the newsletter for the date and details.
Our church service is held every Sunday morning at 9am, followed by a coffee hour. Come and join us for word and song. Methodism is based on the philosophy of John Wesley who said, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” Good words to live by – Peace.