Indian Village at the New York State Fair
Submitted by Mary Jacobs
The Six Nations Agricultural Society is asking you to consider being a sponsor at our 6th Annual Golf Fundraiser to benefit the New York State Fair Indian Village. This event will be held on Sunday, July 28, 2024 at the Seneca Hickory Stick Golf Club in Lewiston, NY. Contributions will assist with provisions needed to operate during the fair, conservation in village, and the preservation of our most prominent exhibit: the 16th century replica bark longhouse which in desperate need of restoration.
Established in 1924 with the purpose of promoting agriculture to Haudenosaunee territories in NY State, the society began operating the Indian Village at the NY State Fair in 1928. President Roosevelt declared the Indian Village land at the New York State fairgrounds as reservation land, designating the Onondaga Nation as custodian through an Executive Order in 1932.
Every year, for two weeks during the NY State Fair, representatives from Tonawanda, Cattaraugus, Allegany, Akwesasne Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Tuscarora, and Cayuga educate the public on Iroquois culture. Native craftspeople from these reservations demonstrate and sell hand-made crafts. We maintain a restaurant with native foods, the 16th century replica bark longhouse, an archery and lacrosse shoot booth, and our most popular attraction – the Iroquois dance show performed 3 times daily on the Turtle Mound. Visitors from New York State and around the world attend the New York State Fair where the Indian Village is a main attraction.
Sponsorship information and the form to return can be found below OR on Facebook: If you have any questions, please reach out to Heath Hill at 716-440-3044 or email Our membership relies heavily on do good people such as yourself for financial support and your generosity and act of giving is valued and appreciated.
Ashley Shenandoah, Interim President
Six Nations Agricultural Society