World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference Opening Ceremony Poem
Submitted by Ja:no’s Bowen
Poem written by Gahsëni’de’ H. M. Hubbell (pictured below), Beaver Clan, Seneca Nation
- Recited at the Opening Ceremonies of the 2024 World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference
I Am From
I am from the Seneca Nation.
From the peepers few to the peepers plenty.

I am from the Allegany Territory, a land with abundant forests and waters that were once beautiful. But now they have become filled with the waste of a land we do not claim. A land beside us, yet so far from everything we value.
I am from oyë’gwa’ö:weh, the tobacco that we use to send our messages to the Creator.
I am from the Beaver Clan and a family who loves the best they can.
From Akso:d and No’yëh and those who came before me.
From the Sky World where I will one day return.
I am from the Longhouse and will forever cherish the memories held within its walls.
I am from the laughs that we share together and will honor them until the Creator calls me home.