By Alyssa Coustenis, Reporter. All photos courtesy of Seneca Media & Communications Center
The fourth World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference (WISPC) took place in Niagara Falls from July 22-24. Hosted by the Seneca Nation at the Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino. This year’s conference theme was ‘Reclaiming Indigenous Resiliency and Hope’.
The Seneca Nation welcomed over 780 attendees belonging to many different nations and organizations from around the world including the Māori, Indigenous Polynesian people of mainland New Zealand (Aotearoa), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from Australia. It was also the first time the world conference has been hosted in the United States.
The World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference (WISPC) was created to address the high rates of suicide among Indigenous communities worldwide. Throughout the week Indigenous peoples, mental health professionals, researchers, educators, and community leaders gathered to share knowledge, experiences, and strategies towards suicide prevention.
Indigenous populations face obstacles rooted in colonization and western suicide prevention approaches are not working. WISPC emphasizes a cultural approach to suicide prevention that is rooted in the traditions, values, and practices of Indigenous communities.
This approach recognizes that communities have unique cultural identities and experiences and effectively addressing challenges related to mental health starts by indigenizing the lense used to view these issues.
Ansley Jemison, the Cultural Liaison at Ganondagan State Historic Site, who was originally invited to WISPC to participate with the Cultural Committee served as emcee for the event.
He thought about ways to incorporate customs from the Seneca culture to be able to address the topic surrounding suicide with a good mind. The Edge of the Woods Ceremony came to his mind. Traditionally, this protocol is used to help those who are in mourning after the loss or passing of leader.
It calls on the principles of the Haudenosaunee Condolence and focuses on 3 Matters: Wiping away the Tears, Unstopping the Ears and Clearing the Throat. It was practiced to restore one’s ability to see and hear clearly, and to be able speak and express themselves. He stressed the importance of using our cultures to clear and combat any obstructions to see and hear the beauty of the world. It allows us to reconnect with what’s most important to our hearts and values.
Nizhoni Kennedy, Seneca Leadership Coordinator, thought that WISPC was a great experience and opportunity to meet new people and learn from others. She felt so proud to see her own people there sharing our stories and experiences.
Seeing her fellow community members and leaders who work at different Nation departments like Seneca Strong, Crime Victim Services, and the Behavioral Health Unit all there working towards the same common goal made her feel prideful and hopeful of what the future holds as a community and Nation.
Aubrey Domres, a Seneca Leadership Participant spoke about her time at WISPC and said “It felt good to be someone that represented the youth in our community. Being able to learn and share with my peers was amazing because prevention needs to start young, so it was honor I got to experience a glimpse of that.” She went on to say “I learned a lot from the three days I was there. Although suicide prevention being such a sensitive topic, the speakers taught and spoke with such respect for it, and for others making their lesson clear to learn. I learned the traditions of different cultures from all over the world. I learned other’s song and dance, but the most important things I took away were what they do to spread awareness and help for those who struggle in their own community, because it’s important we implement help here as well.”
The next World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference will be held in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Hosted by the Māori September 3-5 2026.
Nya:wëh to all the Volunteers for your commitment and for going above and beyond to support this event. WISPC is incredibly grateful to have had such a fantastic team of committee members, volunteers, presenters, educators and performers.
A huge thank you to the many sponsors for all their support as well as Kevin Nephew and the SGC board for hosting the conference space for this unforgettable occasion.
A special thanks to Karlene Familo, Natalie Stahlman, Councillor Arlene Bova, Councillor Presley Redeye, Peter Wilson, Chelsea Snow, Stephanie Timblin, Elissa Parker, Corbett Seneca, and the Seneca Nation executives and Council Office.
Kotatu (Healing Stone)
Host: Te Runanga O Ngāti Pikiao Trust
Location: Rotorua, Aotearoa

The name of the kohatu (healing stone) is Kaitiaki (spiritual guardian). It is made out of Oamaru stone and carries the mauri (energy). Its birth was from the 2016 conference where the carver could feel the wairua (spirit) of the conference as he carved onsite. He could feel the mamai (hurt and pain) from the kōrero (sharing of stories) i te ao tawhito me ao katoa (from the old world across the globe). The stone was blessed by the Ngāti Pikiao elders (kaumàtua). Its purpose is for healing and to uphold the spirit of the conference wherever it goes.
The Stone will be on display for two years at our Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center. It will be secured but also available to be touched by the community. On the second year, it will be returned to New Zealand by Seneca Nation leadership.