By Director of Planning, Donielle Lovell
The Community Planning and Development Department had a busy August! At the end of July, we were asked to speak to our elders and the communities and those residing in 44 Seneca and Oak Tree. As I promised them, we will have the summary from those meetings available soon. We also had Crescendo Consulting on site to help with the community needs assessment. For over a week, they conducted 10 focus groups with community members. We thank everyone who came out to share their perspectives. This assessment has not been updated since 2015. We are often asked for the community needs assessment in grant applications and we also need the document to ensure we are providing quality information to departments about your experiences. Please look for additional opportunities to share your ideas!
Work continues on the Buffalo Creek Community Center project. The remediation was completed on the small house on the property. Work will continue on that space as the larger church is assessed. In the coming months, the department will also finish a waterfront feasibility study for Highbanks campground and the Oil Springs territory. This is an assessment to see what else we can do to spur further economic development in both locations.

In the month of August, we had 2 grant award announcements. With one of the grants the Seneca Arts and Learning Center will be able to start a maternal home visiting program. The other grant will fund a partnership between Seneca Nation departments and local schools to create indigenous centered environmental curriculum.
Our department also had 2 summer youth employment workers. Alexis and Gianna did an amazing job with us this summer. They created the questions and format for the youth focus groups. They helped do research on elder housing as well. We wish them well as they head into their sophomore year of high school.
Finally, if you are interested in the Healthy Homes Program please email Those who have submitted applications, we are working through those for verification and scheduling inspections. This program can help address environmental hazards in your home including mold and radon. If you own your home and have mold or radon concerns, please request an application.
Our staff looks forward to continuing to serve our Seneca communities!