
From The Desk of The Treasurer

Nya:wëh Sgë:nö’,

Summer is winding down, the County fairs are over and students are getting ready to head back to school.

Our annual Fall Festival is just around the corner. It’s scheduled for September 13-15th. This year’s theme is “A Tribute to Teamwork”. Come out and enjoy some fun activities, visiting and eating. We have some great cooks in our community. Stay tuned for the official schedule.

The opening date for the Cattaraugus Transfer Station is pushed back due to some adjustments to the original construction plan. A large item drop-off will take place soon while the details are worked out for costs and hours of operation at the transfer station once opened. Details of the time and location will be forthcoming.

The wage study is on-going and is anticipated to be completed by October. This is a multi-year project initiated to get our wage scale comparable to surrounding hourly wages. The Human Resources Department along with Fiscal and our consultant are working to get this prepared to be worked into next year’s budget.

The overall budget process is near completion. Council, Executives, and Fiscal continue to meet with Departments requesting additional funding for new or extended projects. These will be considered with other Council initiatives as they prepare for the final budget. The new budget year starts on October 1, 2024.

As always, stay strong, stay safe.
Dah ne’hoh dih ae’
Matthew B. Pagels