Community News

SCCSD Employees Attend Training on Grief & Healing

Submitted by Amee Crowley

On August 13, 2024 four Salamanca School District employees attended a three-day intensive training on grief and healing with the Mending Broken Hearts program. Not only did we learn traditional methods to help heal others, but we also had to work through our own unresolved grief. MBH provides culturally-based healing from grief, loss and intergenerational trauma, especially for native peoples.

Unresolved grief is demonstrated in the many social issues that Native people experience, as represented in the “sick” by the anger, guilt, shame, and fear, passed on from generation to generation. This creates a “culture” that is shame-based. The sense of shame and unresolved grief contributes to the behavioral, emotional, physical, and spiritual issues that challenge wellness.

We are open to working with a small groups comprised of students, friends/supports, or a family as a whole, who are interested in the healing process utilizing the Mending Broken Hearts curriculum. If you are interested in hearing more or would like to be a participant, please reach out to one of the following:

Amee Crowley, LMSW: 716 945-2400 x6004
Carolyn Peterson, School Counselor: 716 945-2400 x6015
Stephanie Vogle, Family School Liaison: 716 801- 0280
Carrie Fidurko, Family School Liaison: 716 801-5728