

Excluding William Kelley from Seneca Nation Territories

WHEREAS, The Seneca Nation has the inherent right to exclude individuals from the Territories of the Seneca Nation who cause harm or pose a threat to the health and safety of the Seneca Nation and its community members; and

WHEREAS, at a Regular Session of Council held on November 18, 2023, the Seneca Nation Council adopted the Exclusion Law (CN: R-11-18-23-13), which authorizes the President to issue Exclusion Orders to non-Senecas that pose a serious threat to the public health, welfare, and safety of the Seneca Nation; and

WHEREAS, Seneca community members have made credible reports that non-Seneca William Kelley has engaged in dangerous and threatening behaviors that constitute a direct and serious threat to the public safety, health, and welfare of the Seneca Nation and its members. In addition, he has been openly hostile and verbally abusive towards Nation officials who have been called to respond to his disturbances.

WHEREAS, William Kelley had been served a written warning on 7-15-24 to immediately cease his unacceptable behavior.

WHEREAS, it has since then been determined that William Kelley, a non-Seneca, continues to pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of the Nation and its community members.

Recent violations have included:
• Disturbance 7-8-24 at 13:43.
• Reckless operation of a motor vehicle 7-15-24 at 11:36.
• Reckless operation of a motor vehicle 8-30-24 at 11:55
• Domestic dispute at 7-16-24 at 20:02.
• Community member filing a petition for a Temporary Order of Protection on 9-17-24

NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that William Kelley is hereby indefinitely excluded from all Seneca Nation Territories, effective immediately; and be it

FURTHER ORDERED, that William Kelley shall be personally served with this Exclusion Order, if possible; and be it

FURTHER ORDERED, that William Kelley shall be given a reasonable time, not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours to vacate the Territory; and be it

FURTHER ORDERED, that should William Kelley enter Seneca Nation Territory at any time after the expiration of the twenty-four (24) hour period to vacate the Territory, he shall be deemed to be trespassing; and be it

FURTHER ORDERED, that any member of the Seneca Nation who is determined to have knowingly harbored or assisted William Kelley to remain on, or return to, Seneca Nation Territory in violation of this Order may be charged in the Seneca Nation Peacemaker’s Court with aiding and abetting in violation of this Order and the Exclusion Law, with potential penalties including the withholding of Nation annuity payments and direct health and welfare benefit payments (elders, disability, etc.); and be it

FURTHER ORDERED, that any person holding an interest in the lease of Seneca Nation lands who is determined to have harbored, allowed, or assisted William Kelley to stay, remain on or return to, such leased premises on Seneca Nation Territory in violation of this Order may be charged with a breach of their lease, with potential penalties including lease termination; and be it

FURTHER ORDERED, that upon William Kelley’s re-entry into or presence on the Seneca Nation Territories, the Seneca Nation Marshal’s Office, in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, is authorized and directed to remove him from the Territories, to continue to remove him should he return, and to press charges on the Nation’s behalf for such continuing trespass activity with assistance from the Seneca Nation’s Legal Department.