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I am humbled by and grateful for the support and trust the Seneca people have shown in choosing me to lead our Nation. I began my service for the Seneca people working on the Steamburg Water Project. I continued with the Seneca Nation Housing Authority for 27 years. I also worked on the Seneca Gaming Corporation board tasked with opening our first casino, Seneca Niagara.
It has been an honor to have been elected to the offices of Treasurer, Peacemaker, Councillor, and President. I have served as Treasurer, two terms as a Peacemaker judge, four terms on Council, and three terms as President.
During my first term as President, I oversaw major growth and prosperity for our Nation. The Seneca Niagara Casino opened on New Year’s Eve in 2002. In 2003, NYS developed plans to begin taxing our retail sales. We continued our fight against the tax plans and NYS later backed down. On May 1, 2004, the Seneca Allegany Casino opened.
In 2018, during my second term, we won a major court victory over New York State. The Nation’s claim that the Thruway illegally crosses the Cattaraugus Territory was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit. During this time the NYS Thruway was allowed to deteriorate. Later, an agreement was signed with NYS allowing the much-needed repairs to commence.
At the outset of my third term, my administration and I lead the Nation through the uncertain times of the coronavirus pandemic. A widespread effort was made to address the needs of our people while dealing with economic difficulties. As the pandemic waned, our Nation re-opened.
To the countless people who have served during my terms of office, thank you. It has been a privilege and honor to serve the Seneca people as your President.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.
Seneca Nation President