The Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center is proud to announce the initial launch of our online collections database. In an effort to make the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center’s non-sensitive collections more accessible to the public, and with the support of the Seneca Nation, we acquired a new collections database in late 2023 to better care for, and in some cases share, the collections online. This initiative requires re-photographing, re-cataloguing, and also parallels the ongoing collections organization effort of the Cultural Center.

The first collection being shared is the beaded purses and bags. The beaded Ögwa:wëh [it belongs to us] (formally referred to as “objects”, “items”, and “pieces”), range from historic – contemporary. To view the entire collection visit our website’s home page ( or collections page (
Over time, we will continue to add Ögwa:wëh to the site as well as update the information of published Ögwa:wëh as new knowledge comes forth. We hope you will engage with this site frequently and provide your own insight as our digital collections evolve.
Are you an artist and inspired by seeing these artists’ works? Don’t forget to apply to our First Annual Ohi:yo’ Art Market by March 1, 2025! Applications can be found on the Ohi:yo’ Art Market page of our website (