
Winter Fun at the OCC

Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center

Photos of after-school Ga:wa:sa’ teaching & practicing program at the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center (OCC). The program was facilitated by the male staff of the OCC.

Friendly reminder, the track is open for community males that want to learn and practice their skills. Young boys are encouraged to visit and practice anytime, even outside of OCC business hours.

To arrange a time for your son, nephew, or grandson to visit and learn with Cultural Center staff (during normal operating hours), call us at 716-945-1760, or email

The Faith Keeper’s School visited the Onöhsagwë: de’ Cultural Center (OCC), and the girls enjoyed some time learning and practicing an old game, Seneca Snow Boats – Deyenodayëdahgwa’ (“Her/They use it for putting down a reed or flute”).

About Deyenodayëdahgwa’:
One of the earliest writings about this old game came from Lewis H. Morgan in the mid-1800’s. The boats are typically 15 inches in length and are made of hardwood. The design of the bottom boat is an “s” shape. A small feather is put upright at the rear of the boat to serve as a “flag”. Oftentimes each person’s boat is embellished with bells or small rattling objects.

Making a track: The track for the game is situated on the side of a hill with a long flat surface at the bottom. The trenches for these small boats can easily be made by carefully using one’s foot to scrape down the hill and across the flat surface below (or a small wooden pole could be used to drag down it to make the trench). Water can also be poured down the track to ice it to make the boats travel even further. The boats can be “waxed” or even be dipped in water (to ice the boat) to create a smoother surface so that they go further. See museum for official rules.