Heyhey, Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ my fellow Senecas!
I hope this newsletter finds each of you healthy and well!
On January 13th & 14th, several members of council and my office staff travelled to Albany during the Governor’s State of the State Address. There, we made a statement in regard to the State of New York’s long history of mistreatment towards the indigenous people of this land. We reminded those in NYS government that we are still here, and that we will continue to be here, to protect and defend our rights and that of our generations yet to come.
I’d like to extend a thank you to Dr. Elizabeth Rule, for her hospitality during our time in Albany. Dr. Rule is a member of the Chickasaw Nation, and the Deputy Secretary for First Nations in New York State. She works to support Indigenous well-being and self-determination, and to improve relations between the state and the area’s Indigenous communities.
The Seneca Nation’s Foreign Relations Committee is in the planning stages to host a “WNY Delegation Summit”, inviting all local and state elected officials to attend. Our goal is to work together to develop improved lines of communication and to educate leaders on the many issues and challenges that we face with NYS. This will tentatively be in the second half of February.
I’m also working with the Foreign Relations Committee on a “Seneca Impact Day in Albany.” Impact Day will be similar to the Delegation Summit, with the same goals, but with leadership in Albany. This will tentatively be in late March.
There will be opportunities for Nation members to participate in both of these events. Please check Seneca Media & Communications Social Media platforms for updates.
I’d like to introduce another member of the President’s office staff. Bethany Johnson serves as the Executive Assistant to President JC Seneca, her primary work site is located within the Treasurer’s Office on the Allegany Territory. Bethany’s duties include assisting the President in pressing matters as well as attending meetings and working closely with department directors; Bethany loves working with the community to achieve shared goals and help run our Nation efficiently.

Bethany (pictured left) attended Rush-Henrietta High School and received her Associates Degree in Business Administration Marketing and Management from Jamestown Business College in 2020, with plans to pursue her bachelor’s degree. She began her career with the Seneca Nation in 1998 in the President’s Office. She’s held positions previously within the Treasurer’s Office and the Clerk’s Office. From there, Bethany was elected as Clerk for two terms and held the Deputy Clerk position for one term. During her time held in these positions, she’s gained a wealth of knowledge and experience on Nation laws and policies and has held her Notary Public since 2003.
Bethany belongs to the Turtle Clan and is the daughter of Corliss Abrams and the late Danny Johnson; she is the mother to six daughters and five grandchildren and resides on the Allegany Territory.
We are so fortunate to have Bethany as a part of the President’s office team.
I hope everyone is staying safe and warm! Please check in on each other during these winter months.