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Charli Rae Hill Featured on the Cover of First American Art Magazine

We’re thrilled to share this exciting collaboration courtesy of Hayden Haynes, Director of the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum and the Rochester Museum & Science Center featuring Ganöndi:ye’s “Charli Rae” Hill

A one-of-a-kind project, Hayden (Seneca, Kiowa, Mvskoke, Deer Clan) finished an antler comb “blank” started by a Seneca ancestor over 300 years ago, recovered from Ganondagan State Historic Site. The project comes full circle, as a living Seneca, Ganöndi:ye’s (Ohi:yo’, Wolf Clan), showcases the piece in a profound example of resiliency and pride on the cover of First American Art Magazine.

You can order physical copies of the magazine from FAAM’s website: