American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Day
President J. Conrad Seneca testified at the end of February before the House Appropriations Committee at the American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Day. The Appropriations Committee stands out for its significant influence over federal spending. The Committee’s broad jurisdiction and constitutional authority give it outsized responsibility over the United States financial resources. President Seneca was joined by Councilor Odie Porter and Legal Advisor Robert Odawi Porter.
This opportunity for Native Nations to speak, face to face, with their representatives in order to advance the important matters facing Indian Country reflects on the commitment to duty by President Seneca to speak on behalf of the Seneca Nation and our people.
The Appropriations Committee is chaired by Tom Cole. Cole now serves as the 43rd Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, marking the first Native American and first Oklahoman to hold the gavel. Cole has served on the Appropriations Committee, one of the most powerful committees in Congress, since 2009.
Check out his LIVE testimony (beginning at 31:08):