Community News

Ja:göh Molly Shaw

Ja:göh Molly Shaw, Onöndowa’ga, Gota:yö:nih, daughter of Matt and Melissa Shaw, took the oath and was inaugurated as Silver Creek School District, first ever student representative on the Board of Education.

The Silver Creek School Board had been looking into the idea of student representation for some time. NYS released information not long ago that starting July 1, 2025, New York State is requiring all school districts to have an ex-officio student board member. The Silver Creek district was a bit ahead of the times because they had been planning to have a student representative, so they were already prepared to roll the process out. Superintendent Dr. Ralston, and the Board of Education members are all very excited to add this seat to the table and to have Molly bring the student perspective to the table.

Molly is an avid track athlete. She spends a lot of time volunteering & planning community events, and participates in activities such as Knights Against Cancer. She has some colleges in mind but plans to attend college based on their track program. She plans on becoming a Nutritionist & Dietary Specialist and also plans on opening her own practice someday.