When it looks like we are officially into the spring season, we get one last snow dusting – to let us know mother earth is on her own schedule. Soon enough, the rain will come and the temperature will get warmer each day. I hope everyone who was visited by an Easter jack rabbit recently, had fun and enjoyed some much needed family time.
There never seems to be a dull moment with our office and within the Fiscal Department. Our Fiscal staff has been busy preparing for the upcoming Fiscal Work Session for department Directors and Budget Monitors. They will review procurement procedures and discuss several other tasks, which will assist departmental staff with operating smoothly. I understand many of our members have received their economic impact payments from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which was signed into law by Joe Biden on March 11th, 2021. Included in the Act, will be additional funds for native nations to improve our member’s overall quality of life. At this printing, we have not received final information and details, but are anticipating that to arrive in the coming weeks.
On another note, my staff has been busy with projects related to the Seneca Nation Drug Taskforce and a “Special Edition” newsletter, totally focusing on the drug epidemic in our communities, which will get published in the coming weeks. If you have an interest in making a contribution to this newsletter or have a suggestion for a topic to be included, please contact Millicent Proud, on my staff, at:; and she may be reached at (716) 945-1790, X5108.
Like I said, there really never is a dull moment in our office and we have a great team that continues to work well together and get our tasks accomplished. If you are eligible for your COVID-19 vaccines, I hope you are taking advantage of those; and helping to keep yourself, your families and our communities as safe as possible. The virus has not disappeared, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay safe!
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.