Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ gagwe:göh, I’m thankful you are well,
As we observed Earth Day this year I’m mindful of the bounty and beauty of Mother Earth, especially during the change of seasons. The weather can also be unpredictable from one day to another and keeps us on our toes.
Again, with warmer weather approaching and many people traveling we must keep our guard up with Covid -19 protocols. We continue to offer the vaccination clinic to all enrolled eligible members and have the ability to assist our local school districts with access to the vaccinations. For more information please contact the health centers in Cattaraugus at (716)-532-5582 and Allegany at (716)- 945-5894. The message remains the same as Covid-19 cases continue to rise throughout the country. Only our conscious efforts can create change in the spread.
Recently, the Seneca Nation made a statement regarding the compact revenue share obligation to the State of New York. We’ve held that we are not obligated to pay during the seven-year renewal period. I have asked that we invoke the provisions provided within the Canandaigua Treaty of 1794 to seek assistance from the US government to review the compact provisions. The Nation received a letter from the Department of Interior that raised concerns about the legality of the payments and if they are consistent with the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, which states all compacts are required to be reviewed and approved by the Secretary of the Interior. We share these concerns.
The Department of the Interior has requested both the State and the Seneca Nation resubmit the compact for a 45-day process which may bring finality to the issue. The Department of the Interior will review the compliance with Indian Gaming regulations and the lawfulness of the payments as part of the previous arbitration. The Nation respectfully requested that the State heed the Interior’s request to review.
The Nation also filed a Court motion to effectively freeze previous court decisions and delay any payment enforcement until the legality of the payments can be considered. In fairness to the legal process we have asked State and local officials to support our request and urge the Governor to submit the compact for review. The State should stand behind their argument and let the Interior weigh in on the provisions of the compact and the payment obligations.
We feel it is imperative the Secretary of the Interior review any and all gaming compacts as this decision could set a dangerous precedent for other Gaming Nations. We cannot and will not allow this to happen.
We strongly believe that the Department of Interior review is the quickest possible resolution to this long disagreement and is in the best interests of the Nation, New York State, and the local communities we support. Look for more details in the following weeks.
Stay safe, stay strong Dah ne’hoh dih ae’
Presidential Updates
Don’t forget to follow & subscribe to the Seneca Media & Communications Center YouTube Channel to watch President Pagels’ up-to-date virtual messages!
President Matthew B. Pagels has been addressing important Nation news, the status of all things COVID-19 related on our Territories and everything in between over the course of the last few months via short video clips that are posted to the Seneca Media & Communications Center YouTube channel and other SNI media outlets. So, if you’re looking for the most up-to-date Nation news, make sure to tune in!
You can also access the Presidential Updates here:
- SNI Official Newsletter website:
www.sninews.org - The Nation’s main website:
www.sni.org - Seneca Media Facebook page:
www.facebook.com/senecamedia - Seneca Nation COVID-19 Response Hub
covid19.snigis.org - Seneca Nation Twitter account