Submitted by Lynne Cowher
My name is Lynne Cowher. I am submitting this piece I found on my son Robert’s Facebook page, in hopes it may help someone, even one person. Even though he had this knowledge, he lost his life to this terrible disease called addiction. I just recently received his Toxicology Report. He died from a combination of amphetamine, methamphetamine, carfentanil and fentanyl!! My thoughts on this: either he bought one and all four drugs were in it because you don’t know anymore. These dealers are out here playing chemist with other’s lives. Or, he was hot dosed, which means on purpose. My son blew his heart. He had zero chance. So, when you are out there buying drugs you JUST DON’T KNOW!!!
Love and miss my son!
Lynne Cowher
“This goes out to clear some stuff up for those that need to know it and to save those it can. I am here to help those lost in darkness, always.
It’s definitely not medical fentanyl killing! Medical fentanyl is 100% stronger than morphine. It’s carfentanil – this vicious killer is being placed in everything. It’s a hundred times stronger than medical fentanyl, which makes it thousand times stronger than morphine. A matter of granules will kill you and to make matters worse, it’s cheaper to buy than heroin.
So, it has replaced it entirely and is so cheap. It can be used as a cut and an enhancer because it gets the people addicted faster. Dealers are putting it in bud and coke. Without it, the drug would have been trash. Another benefit for dealers is that people will get sick without their product so they need it and it becomes guaranteed sales. This drug has been known to be untestable and mostly untraceable! If you have friends that use this, please warn them as I wish some of my friends had been!
If you choose to use this, always check your drugs to see if carfentanil is in it. To test for its presence, put on tin foil and introduce some heat. If it burns a red hue, it is carfentanil. If you put a sample in a spoon with some water, it will become dark pink or purple to gray. That means carfentanil is in it. If they care to proceed, be sure and have Narcan nearby with a person who knows how to use it and knows CPR. CPR can bring them back on its own but far too often, people stop giving compressions too soon. They believe they are working to restore the pulse but this is faulty when dying of an opiate overdose. The connectors in the brain get covered by circle shaped opiates on a rectangular receiver. Narcan flicks it off the receptor and allows brain activity to take over again and tell them to breathe again. When giving chest compressions, it is keeping a person breathing manually and is preventing edema from setting in and filling their lungs with either their own blood from which they’ll drown and there is no return. DO NOT STOP CPR if ever you have to go through this traumatic experience. It’s stressful and terrifying every single time.
So with that in mind, breathe, calm yourself and focus fully on this task. If Narcan is not available, call 911. Have someone grab some ice, frozen veggies or frozen meat. If no one is able to help then grab it on your way to them. Put the frozen thing in their arm pits and down their pants around the groin and begin CPR. They will often come back to and throw up with this method. If they do, keep them awake like a concussion victim until the ambulance has arrived. This whole process happens really fast toward death. Make sure to work fast, smart and calm until EMT’s arrive with Narcan because the person can still slip under again.
You can tell if it’s an overdose and people often think that the overdosed person is choking. People that are choking panic and make it known before going out. Overdose victims fall out very fast, turn blue, are straight on the floor and have a weak pulse or no pulse. Every couple of minutes they may gasp in a huge breath. Do not let anything stop you until they are responsive and leave only with EMT’s.
DO NOT BE AFRAID of calling for help. You CANNOT get arrested for any of it anymore. Families would rather get the call their loved one was in the hospital and is stable than in a morgue. They’re human, so be human. Please step up and remember to follow these instructions from experiences. I’m not a medical professional but I am a drug addict with hardly any friends living because of this type of thing.
As a recovering drug addict with one year clean, I have brought back over sixteen dying people just like this. They were in the woods, in a car, on a trap house floor and on the sidewalk. As a friend that doesn’t want to hear that they will never hear their best friend’s voice again and never wans your family to feel the same.
As a humanitarian that is an addict, I’ve heard and read far too often in life, “Why save them, they made the choice?” They do not always make the choice to do this demon new drug or any other because carfentanil is secretly put in and on everything. It can kill you if it is smoked, in a shot, snorted, drank or injected in other parts of your body. It doesn’t matter and they didn’t make a choice because they DO have a legitimate, scientifically and medically proven disease. This has been proven to lead us only to jails, institutions and death.
To those judgmental people out there, if you have miraculously not been hit or affected by this, just give it time. Eventually, you will get the call someone you love has died from using carfentanil. That person is like me, though an addict, but still a good person and human who loves all creation, including you, stepped up and called for help. They begin administering life-saving measures to save their life. That’s a choice I’ve made to do!
Next time you think of that – when you say my friends – who are people’s moms, dads, kids, parents, family and friends – are damaged people. They do not deserve death from this disease. Yet, no one lobbies for those of us who are suffering from a life of torment. Please know that we are human like you and if I see you on the street after you say such trash on social media, I’ll say something to you to help you understand what we go through. Thank you to those that heed this and do the right things.
RIP to my loved ones who guide me. Praise be always to the Creator!”
Robert Shaffer